Success Stories From FHN
Community Touch
Victory Transitional Housing – Client 1
A single father with two children entered the Victory Transitional Housing (VTH) Program due to financial hardship and his wife being incarcerated. During his stay in the program, he was able to find a better paying job. Community Touch provided free daycare for his children at Caring for Angels Daycare. He paid off all his court fines and his driver’s license was reinstated. He worked with our financial mentor and his credit score increased. He pays off debt and saved money during his time in the VTH program.
He and his wife were reunited after several months. They jointly completed their goals at VTH and moved into their own apartment. A year later they purchased a new home with the assistance of Community Touch working with them and providing them with information regard first time home ownership. They are successfully living in a beautiful home located in Virginia with now three beautiful children.
VHSP – Client 2
This client has been living in a motel for about 10 months with her young son after being evicted out of her previous apartment. She was also pregnant and expecting anytime. She had been working two jobs and saving as much money as she could in anticipation of being on unpaid maternity leave. However, due to her nearing due date, she had to give up one of the jobs, but had managed to save a little amount in hopes of being able to pay the costs of getting her own apartment.
The client referral was sent to Community Touch Inc (CTI). She had been trying for many months to find permanent housing, but had been unsuccessful, due to her prior eviction. CTI was able to connect her with a private landlord who was willing to give her an opportunity. CTI was able to provide the client with the funds she needed to move into her apartment. The CTI case worker discussed with her the goals that she would need to work toward to prevent homelessness in the future, and together they identified barriers that was preventing the client from securing and maintaining permanent housing. The client was able to find a new job paying more than her previous job. The client was able to get her driver’s license reinstated, which would allow her to drive to work, take her kids to daycare, and medical appointments. The client also re-established her relationship with her father, who purchased her a car and now she has her father and reliable transportation.
Client is in school again to complete her accounting degree from the LFCC. Client says this is the happiest she has been in a long time thanks to the staff of Community Touch Inc.