Housing Programs
Coordinated Entry is a streamlined community system for emergency & homeless services, rental assistance, and shelter resources. All individuals seeking support are processed through Coordinated Entry, which consists of a short phone-screening, after which individuals are provided with their resource options or referred to applicable/available providers.
Rapid Re-Housing
Rapid Re-Housing programs offer financial assistance and/or housing-focused case management to help households obtain permanent housing quickly after experiencing homelessness. This enables communities to shorten the length of time people experience homelessness, opening beds for others who need them and reducing the public and personal costs of homelessness.
Targeted Prevention
The prevention program is used to divert households from entering into shelter systems by providing case management and/or financial assistance to prevent homelessness.
Prevention services are prioritized by focusing on serving the most vulnerable in order to best utilize resources and serve as many individuals as possible.
This is a strategy that prevents homelessness for people seeking assistance by helping them problem solve and find potential solutions. Other community resources are utilized to improve financial situations that result in housing stabilization. Diversion, like prevention, can reduce the number of people entering homelessness and the demand for shelter beds.
Supportive Housing (SH)
SH, is housing coupled with supportive services offered for as long as needed, and is the solution to chronic homelessness. With appropriate supports, supportive housing can serve as a foundation for rehabilitation, therapy, and improved health of individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.
SH is not only successful at ending chronic homelessness, but is often also cost-efficient. People experiencing long-term homelessness often incur significant public costs, through emergency room visits, run-ins with law enforcement, incarceration, and access to existing poverty and homeless programs. A number of cost and case studies have demonstrated that SH largely or totally offsets these costs while ending homelessness for the individuals served.
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing is central to the success of Housing First programs and vital for preventing and ending homelessness. Most often homelessness occurs when people or households are unable to acquire and/or maintain housing they can afford. It is the scarcity of affordable housing in the United States that is behind this inability to acquire or maintain housing.